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Enjaz service to assist you on submite request and transaction to courts 

Services I Offer

prepare and type 
transactions to court 

injaz Abu Dhabi judicial service 1

Prepare and submit to Court :
for Legal Notice 

Submitting Commercial and Personal 

Legal Notice 

injaz Abu Dhabi judicial service 2

Submit Request to Lawsuit 

Submission of Request to the court related to lawsuite and fines payments 

انجاز ابوظبي 1

Linking legal case to the personal file 

Providing services to linking cases to the digital identity to submit requests on cases

انجاز دائرة القضاء

Submite Request to court for Cancellation of execution procedures and release of reserved deposets 

Submitting requests to stop the executive procedures 

And the release of reservations on accounts and property

انجاز ابوظبي خدمات دائرة القضاء

Prepare and Submite to court 
Memorandum Reply & Memorandum Defensive

Submitting Requests to Court 

to attach Memorandum Reply & Memorandum Defensive

injaz Abu Dhabi judicial service

Request certificate from court of no appeal & final judgments

 Submite request to obtaine certifecate from court 

انجاز دائرة القضاء

Submite transaction to court of :Order for payment and Order on petition

 Submit request to court of order payment for comercial issues ,and submite trensaction of order on petition civil and submite transaction for Summary judgement 

خدمات انجاز دائرة القضاء

Submit transaction to court 
of Executory formula 

ٍٍSumbite reqest to court to place 

Executory formula on judgments 

انجاز دائرة القضاء

Prepare and Submit Requests to Court for 
Lawsuits Statement

Submit a request to court to obtaine statement to disclosure of civil and commercial cases

Abu Dhabi judicial service

Submite regstration to courts for cases of first instance  

we submite to courts to for individual and business filing a case in the Federal Courts of First Instance

Abu Dhabi judicial service

Submite transaction to court of limitation of succession , 
and  Submit Applications of monies of minors, incapacitated and absent persons

we asist on submit to court  This service shall be provided upon submission of application by a guardian, attorney or trustee - on behalf of minor, 

Abu Dhabi judicial service

Submit requests to court for copies of  judgments,and Hearing Transcript and statements of dues 

Submitting transaction for obtain  copies of judgments and hearing transcript , and certificate of dues and  accounts report

submit your request and one of our professional team will contact you 


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