Services I Offer

Sumite transaction of
Evidence of marriage and divorce and Evidence personal statues
Services of registering declarations of personal status and booking appointments with the public notary

Submission of applications for articles of incorporation and participation
Drafting Memorandum of Association and Partnership Contracts
Register and book appointments with the Notary

This service for writing and regesting power of attorney and reserve the appointments with notary public

Submit Request to Notary to attest affirmation of consummation of marriage and Request to attest a declaration of celibacy (state of being not married)
This Service for Status declaration and other Required declarations for community aid and charitable organizations

Submit transaction to Notary
Request to attest affirmation of having one son only and Request to attest affidavit of sole breadwinner
this service for Registration services for declarations required for exemption from military service

ٍSubmit request to notary of
Request to attest affirmation of provision of accommodation
Housing declaration registration services and non
The presence of adequate housing and the inability to provide family home

Services for registering requests for continuity of marriage and non-marriage and booking appointments with the notary public

Submit to Notary .
Request to attest power of attorney for succession
this service for registration request of
of succession affirmation

Submit to notary a
Request to attest a declaration of custody
Dependency declaration registration services
Proof of filiation and custody

this Registration services for acknowledgment of entry into the Islam

Submit transaction to notary of attest affirmation of debt,
and Request to attest affirmation of grant (donation)
this service for declaration such as the donation of real estate or land and pledges of debt to a third party

Submit to Notary :
Request to attest a declaration of non-objection
Tis service for Declaration services related to undertakings and declarations
No objection to work and travel and follow up on legal procedures
submit your request and one of our professional team will contact you